Wiring systems are an invisible and fundamental part of any of the great infrastructures that surround us. An example of magnitude is the more than 10,000 km of cable that, in its different variants, underlie the Adolfo Suárez International Airport in Madrid - Barajas, or the more than 30,000 km that provide energy, communication and remote traffic management in the Spanish high-speed train network.
Standard Cableteam Spain S.L. considers the infrastructure sector as a key part of its business structure and incorporates in its catalogue solutions adapted to this segment in its different variants among which stand out:
Railway sector: Cables for transport and distribution of energy, signalling, control and communications.
Motorways: Power cables for lighting and data and video communication and signalling cables.
Building: Low-voltage cables, copper and optical fiber data and communications including FTTH.
Airports: Full range of power, communications and control cables including beacons.
The specific requirements of each of the sectors mentioned above make it necessary to adapt the cables to the different installation and service conditions. Our strength is based on our ability to meet demands based on the most widespread standards worldwide and on the possibility of offering a product adapted to your specific needs. Send us your particular need and associated requirements to info@standardcableteam.com y Standard Cableteam Spain S.L. le proporcionará la solución más adecuada y competitiva a la misma