In our different factories, with a space dedicated to the production of transmission and power distribution cables exceeding 300,000 m2, we design and manufacture ultra high voltage UHV, high voltage HV, medium voltage MV and low voltage cables as well as a wide range of accessories that ensure perfect connectivity and termination.
Using the most modern technology, with specific machinery designed and produced by the Wilms Group, we are able to offer sectorial cables of up to 2,500 mm2 and coils that reach a weight of 50 Tm, maximizing the delivery lengths, and that move along the factories in the different stages of production up to the phases of test and shipment. The robotic systems used in the production of accessories are a faithful reflection of the technologies used and guarantee the highest quality standards.
Our strength lies in our ability to meet demands based on the world's most widespread standards and the ability to offer a product tailored to your specific needs. Send us your particular need and associated requirements to info@standardcableteam.com and Standard Cableteam Spain S.L. will provide you with the most suitable and competitive solution.