Maliaño’s cable plant was started on May 25th 1927 by His Majesty Alfonso XIII with the name of Standard Electrica having that time the CTNE and ITT as main shareholders. During these almost 90 years, this historical Cantabria’s plant has been part of several multinational firms:
The B3 Group went into administration in the UK in May 2012. The plant is stopped until November 2013 once the adquisition within the Wilms Group is completed. Standard Cableteam Spain S.L., recovering the original name of the company back in 1927, starts the activity having the clear target of becoming a technical, quality and service reference in the cable industry, both in Spain and worldwide.
The british group B3 Cables takes over Maliaño’s plant that is renamed as B3 Cable Solutions Spain S.L..
Nexans, a new company created from the Alcatel cable and component division, became the the new owner of the plant. Maliaño’s Factory, with the name of Nexans Iberia, starts the process to become a worldwide reference in the production of telecom and railways signalling cables.
The multinational French Company Alcatel takes over the telecom activities of ITT worlwide, including the Spanish Company Standard Electrica.
Production of the first optical cable in Spain that was installed connecting Atocha and Chamartin railway stations in Madrid.
Technological change and evolution from the paper / lead cables to the plastic insulated and jacketed cables.
Frame agreement with Wester Electric to supply paper and pulp insulated cables with lead jacket.
It is started the production of coax cables with lead jacket for long distance links.
After a continuous capacity increase project, the total grounds moved from 3.795 sqm to 51.000 sqm.
Standard Electrica was born in the aim of supplying the cables needed by the CTNE to develop and deploy the telephonic network service in Spain.